ASEAN Framework Agreement On The Facilitation Of Goods In Transit (AFAFGIT)

ASEAN Framework Agreement On The Facilitation Of Goods In Transit (AFAFGIT)

​​Institutional Background

The ASEAN Leaders’ decision to create an ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is intended to introduce the free flow of goods, services, investment and skilled labour, and freer flow of capital in the region. For the AEC to take root, the establishment of a fully harmonised Customs and Transport environment is of the highest priority.

The ASEAN Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Goods in Transit (AFAFGIT - Ha Noi, 1998) is a core instrument for the realization of these objectives and provides for nine high level Protocols that set out generic standards to be put into place for the implementation of an international transit system. The practical objective of the AFAFGIT is the creation of a regional environment in which a vehicle operating under the transit system can move goods by road from a point of departure in any ASEAN Member State (AMS) to a point of destination in any other Member State via any number of transit countries without intermediate unloading and with minimal procedures at borders. Protocols 1, 3, 4 and 5 are under the purview of Transport Authorities, whilst Protocols 2 and 7 are under the purview of Customs. Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand have agreed to conduct the pilot in order to test the AFAFGIT Protocols in action with industry. For the purpose of the pilot Protocols 6, 8 and 9 are excluded.  The excluded protocols will be operationalised at a later stage.

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The objectives of the AFAFGIT are :

  • to facilitate transportation of goods in transit, to support the implementation of the ASEAN Free Trade Area, and to further integrate the region’s economies;
  • to simplify and harmonize transport, trade and customs regulations and requirements for the purpose of facilitation of goods in transit; and
  • to establish an effective, efficient, integrated and harmonized transit transport system in ASEAN.


Protocols Under AFAFGIT

Protocol 1:     Establishment of Transit Transport Routes and Facilities

Protocol 2:     Establishment of Frontier Posts

Protocol 3:     Types and Quantity of Road Vehicles

Protocol 4:     Technical Requirements of Vehicles

Protocol 5:     ASEAN Scheme of Motor Vehicle Insurance

Protocol 6:     Railways Border and Interchange Stations

Protocol 7:     Customs Transit Systems

Protocol 8:     Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

Protocol 9:     Dangerous Goods

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